Introduction: “10.0 Earthquake,” the 2014 disaster thriller, promises an intense cinematic experience for viewers. Directed by John Jones and featuring Henry Ian Cusick and Cameron Richardson, this film plunges audiences into the chaos of a catastrophic earthquake.
NLP Optimized Article (150 words): “10.0 Earthquake” (2014), directed by John Jones and produced by Quake Productions, offers a gripping disaster narrative. Penned by Sarah Brown and David Lee, the film stars Henry Ian Cusick and Cameron Richardson in compelling roles. As a disaster thriller, it delivers heart-stopping action and suspense. Released on October 14, 2014, the movie garnered over $1 million at the global box office, solidifying its success. John Jones’ direction ensures a riveting viewing experience, while the performances of the cast elevate the tension on screen. “10.0 Earthquake” remains a standout entry in the disaster genre, captivating audiences with its thrilling storyline and impressive special effects.