Introduction: “Little Things 2021” is a touching drama that delves into the intricacies of modern relationships and the small moments that define them. Directed by critically acclaimed filmmaker Gauri Shinde, known for her insightful storytelling, this movie offers a poignant look at love, companionship, and the challenges of everyday life.
Director: Gauri Shinde
Produced by: Gauri Shinde, Dhruv Sehgal
Writers: Dhruv Sehgal
Stars: Dhruv Sehgal, Mithila Palkar
Type: Drama, Romance
Box Office: As of its release date, “Little Things 2021” has not yet had box office earnings.
Release Date: The movie was released on October 22, 2021.
Article (150 words): “Little Things 2021” is a heartfelt drama directed by Gauri Shinde that offers a nuanced portrayal of modern relationships. Starring Dhruv Sehgal and Mithila Palkar, the film follows the journey of a couple navigating the ups and downs of everyday life. Released on October 22, 2021, “Little Things 2021” captures the beauty of small moments and the complexities of human emotions. While box office earnings are not available, the film’s relatable storyline and authentic performances have resonated with audiences worldwide. With its insightful exploration of love, companionship, and personal growth, “Little Things 2021” is a must-watch for anyone seeking a touching portrayal of the little moments that matter most in life.