Title: Movie Download: 12th Man (2022)
Introduction: “12th Man (2022)” is a riveting historical drama that recounts the incredible true story of Jan Baalsrud, a Norwegian resistance fighter during World War II. This gripping film takes viewers on a harrowing journey as Baalsrud evades capture by Nazi forces, showcasing courage, resilience, and the human spirit’s triumph over adversity.
Director: Harald Zwart
Produced by: Aage Aaberge, Espen Horn
Writers: Petter Skavlan
Stars: Thomas Gullestad, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Marie Blokhus
Type: Historical Drama
Box Office: As of now, “12th Man (2022)” has grossed over $10 million worldwide.
Release Date: The movie was released on March 17, 2022.
Article: Interested in downloading “12th Man (2022)”? Directed by Harald Zwart, this historical drama offers a gripping portrayal of Jan Baalsrud’s incredible wartime escape. Produced by Aage Aaberge and Espen Horn, and written by Petter Skavlan, the film stars Thomas Gullestad, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, and Marie Blokhus. Released on March 17, 2022, “12th Man” has already grossed over $10 million worldwide, captivating audiences with its tale of bravery and survival. Experience the resilience of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable adversity with this compelling historical drama!