Mastram 2020: A Provocative Tale of Fiction and Reality
“Mastram 2020” is a provocative film that delves into the world of fiction and reality, exploring the life of an aspiring writer. Directed by the talented Akash Garg and Ashish Shukla, this movie blurs the lines between fantasy and truth.
Akash Garg and Ashish Shukla co-direct this intriguing exploration of storytelling and imagination.
Produced by
The movie is produced by Sanjay Singh and Rahul Gandhi, known for their commitment to quality cinema.
Written by Gunjan Saxena, the screenplay weaves a captivating narrative of creativity and desire.
Starring Anshuman Jha and Tara Alisha Berry, the performances are compelling and authentic.
This movie falls into the drama genre, offering a blend of sensuality and storytelling.
Box Office
“Mastram 2020” has garnered attention at the box office, sparking discussions about art and expression.
Release Date
Released on May 1, 2020, it has intrigued audiences with its exploration of fantasy and reality.
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