Ammu (2022): A Powerful Drama
Ammu is a 2022 drama that tells a poignant story about resilience and courage. The film follows Ammu, a woman who faces and fights against domestic abuse, finding her inner strength.
Director: Charukesh Sekar directed the film, capturing its emotional depth.
Produced by: The movie is produced by Kalyan Subramanian and Kaarthekeyen Santhanam, ensuring a high-quality production.
Writers: The screenplay is written by Charukesh Sekar, delivering a heartfelt and impactful narrative.
Stars: The film stars Aishwarya Lekshmi, Naveen Chandra, and Bobby Simha, all giving powerful performances.
Type: This is a drama movie, dealing with serious and emotional themes.
Box Office: As a direct-to-streaming release, it does not have box office earnings but received positive reviews.
Release Date: The movie was released on October 19, 2022.
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