Title: Your Quick Guide to Movie Download: Ex-Wife Killer (2017)
Introduction: “Ex-Wife Killer (2017)” is a gripping thriller film directed by Danny J. Boyle. This intense drama follows the story of a man who becomes entangled in a web of deceit and danger when his ex-wife’s murder investigation takes unexpected turns.
Director: Danny J. Boyle
Produced by: Brian D. Young, Ken Sanders
Writers: Barbara Kymlicka
Stars: Marguerite Moreau, Jordan Belfi, Arianne Zucker
Type: Thriller, Drama
Box Office: N/A
Release Date: April 28, 2017
In “Ex-Wife Killer,” viewers are kept on the edge of their seats as they unravel the truth behind the murder and the secrets that come to light. With its suspenseful plot twists and stellar performances, this film offers a thrilling experience for fans of mystery and intrigue.
LSI Keywords: Ex-Wife Killer download, thriller film, Danny J. Boyle direction, murder investigation, suspenseful plot.