Legend 2015: A Captivating Crime Drama
“Legend 2015” is a gripping crime drama that tells the story of the infamous Kray twins in 1960s London. Directed by Brian Helgeland, this movie showcases an intense and thrilling narrative.
Director: Brian Helgeland
Brian Helgeland expertly directs this captivating crime drama.
Produced by: Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner, Chris Clark, Quentin Curtis, Brian Oliver
A talented team of producers ensures high production quality.
Writers: Brian Helgeland
Brian Helgeland crafts a compelling screenplay based on John Pearson’s book.
Stars: Tom Hardy, Emily Browning
Tom Hardy delivers a dual performance, supported by Emily Browning.
Type: Crime, Drama
“Legend 2015” combines crime and drama, offering an engaging experience.
Box Office: Successful Run
The movie performed well at the box office, drawing significant attention.
Release Date: September 9, 2015
“Legend 2015” was released on September 9, 2015, and received positive reviews.
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