Title: Movie Download: Malik (2021)
Introduction: “Malik (2021)” is a powerful Indian crime drama that delves into the complexities of society, politics, and justice. Directed by Mahesh Narayanan, this film offers a thought-provoking narrative intertwined with compelling performances, captivating viewers from start to finish.
Director: Mahesh Narayanan
Produced by: Anto Joseph
Writers: Mahesh Narayanan
Stars: Fahadh Faasil, Nimisha Sajayan, Joju George
Type: Crime Drama
Box Office: The film grossed over ₹50 crore globally.
Release Date: “Malik” was released on July 15, 2021.
Article: Looking to download “Malik (2021)”? Directed by Mahesh Narayanan, this Indian crime drama offers a compelling exploration of societal issues. Produced by Anto Joseph and written by Mahesh Narayanan, the film features stellar performances from Fahadh Faasil, Nimisha Sajayan, and Joju George. Released on July 15, 2021, “Malik” has garnered acclaim for its thought-provoking narrative. With box office earnings exceeding ₹50 crore globally, this film is a must-watch for those seeking a gripping cinematic experience that delves into the complexities of society and justice.