“Money Heist: Berlin” continues the saga of the popular Spanish series, focusing on the enigmatic character Berlin. Directed by Álex Pina, this spin-off delves into the backstory of Berlin, offering insight into his motivations and actions before the events of the original series.
Álex Pina
Produced by:
Vancouver Media
Álex Pina
Pedro Alonso
Crime Drama
Box Office:
N/A (Released on Netflix)
Release Date:
TBD (2023)
“Money Heist: Berlin” explores the complex character of Berlin in a gripping crime drama directed by Álex Pina. Produced by Vancouver Media, this spin-off offers fans a deeper understanding of Berlin’s past and his role in the world of heists.
Starring Pedro Alonso, the series delves into Berlin’s intriguing backstory, revealing the events that shaped his character before his involvement in the original “Money Heist.” Set for release in 2023 on Netflix, “Money Heist: Berlin” promises to captivate audiences with its intense storytelling and compelling performances.
With its focus on one of the series’ most enigmatic characters, “Money Heist: Berlin” provides fans with a thrilling glimpse into the intricate world of heists and deception. This spin-off is sure to satisfy viewers’ appetite for suspense and intrigue as it unravels the mysteries of Berlin’s past.