Race: A High-Stakes Thriller
“Race” is a gripping Bollywood movie released in 2008. This action thriller is filled with suspense, twists, and intense drama. Directed by Abbas-Mustan, it keeps the audience hooked with its fast-paced storyline and unexpected turns.
Directed by: Abbas-Mustan
The dynamic duo Abbas-Mustan directed “Race,” adding their signature thrilling style.
Produced by: Ramesh S. Taurani and Kumar S. Taurani
Producers Ramesh S. Taurani and Kumar S. Taurani brought this exciting film to life.
Writers: Shiraz Ahmed and Kiran Kotrial
Shiraz Ahmed and Kiran Kotrial penned the screenplay, delivering a captivating narrative.
Stars: Saif Ali Khan, Akshaye Khanna, Katrina Kaif
The movie features stars like Saif Ali Khan, Akshaye Khanna, and Katrina Kaif.
Type: Action, Thriller
“Race” is an action-packed thriller that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
Box Office: Successful
The film was a box office success, drawing large audiences.
Release Date: March 21, 2008
“Race” was released on March 21, 2008.
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