“School 2017” is a popular Korean drama that portrays the challenges and dreams of high school students. This article will guide you on how to download this series safely and legally.
The series is directed by Park Jin-suk, known for his engaging storytelling.
Produced by
“School 2017” is produced by Lee Gun-jun, ensuring high production quality.
The screenplay is written by Jung Chan-mi and Kim Seung-won, delivering a relatable and heartwarming story.
The series stars Kim Se-jeong and Kim Jung-hyun, who give captivating performances.
This series is a drama, perfect for fans of emotional and inspiring stories.
Box Office
“School 2017” has been a huge success, garnering high ratings and a large fanbase.
Release Date
The series premiered on July 17, 2017, and is now available for download.
To enjoy “School 2017,” download it from legal and authorized platforms. Enjoy the inspiring journey of the students!