Introduction: “The Silence 2019” is a suspenseful horror film that explores the terrifying consequences of a world overrun by deadly creatures attracted to sound. Directed by John R. Leonetti, known for his work in the horror genre, this movie follows a family’s harrowing journey as they navigate a world plunged into darkness and silence, where any noise could mean instant death.
Director: John R. Leonetti
Produced by: Scott Lambert, Alexandra Milchan
Writers: Carey Van Dyke, Shane Van Dyke
Stars: Kiernan Shipka, Stanley Tucci, Miranda Otto
Type: Horror, Thriller
Box Office: As of its release date, “The Silence 2019” grossed over $1.1 million worldwide.
Release Date: The movie was released on April 10, 2019.
Article (150 words): “The Silence 2019” is a gripping horror thriller directed by John R. Leonetti, known for his mastery in the genre. Starring Kiernan Shipka, Stanley Tucci, and Miranda Otto, the film immerses viewers in a terrifying world where silence is the key to survival. Released on April 10, 2019, “The Silence 2019” follows a family’s desperate struggle to evade deadly creatures attracted to sound, navigating through a dystopian landscape filled with peril at every turn. With its chilling atmosphere and intense performances, the movie captivates audiences from start to finish. Despite mixed reviews, “The Silence 2019” grossed over $1.1 million worldwide, solidifying its place as a must-watch for horror enthusiasts craving spine-tingling thrills.