Title: Movie Download: Dehati Ladke (2023) Season 1
Introduction: “Dehati Ladke (2023) Season 1” is a heartwarming Indian web series that explores the trials and triumphs of rural youth, offering a glimpse into their everyday lives and aspirations. With its captivating storyline and authentic portrayal of rural India, this series resonates with audiences of all ages.
Director: Rajesh Sharma
Produced by: Amit Kumar, Priya Singh
Writers: Rajesh Sharma, Vandana Singh
Stars: Rajkumar Rao, Bhumi Pednekar, Pankaj Tripathi
Type: Drama, Comedy
Box Office: As a web series, “Dehati Ladke (2023) Season 1” does not have box office earnings, but it has garnered significant viewership and critical acclaim.
Release Date: The first season of “Dehati Ladke” premiered on January 15, 2023.
Article: Interested in downloading “Dehati Ladke (2023) Season 1”? Directed by Rajesh Sharma, this Indian web series offers a heartfelt portrayal of rural youth. Produced by Amit Kumar and Priya Singh, and written by Rajesh Sharma and Vandana Singh, the series stars Rajkumar Rao, Bhumi Pednekar, and Pankaj Tripathi. Premiering on January 15, 2023, “Dehati Ladke (2023) Season 1” has captured the hearts of audiences with its authentic depiction of rural life. Dive into the world of laughter, tears, and aspirations with this compelling drama-comedy series!